I haven't even started working yet & I don't want to go back! So far every moment has been amazing. :) I really love that everyone around me is so diverse, it makes for interesting conversations! 

Anywho, the past two days have been a good time! 
My roommates & I went to Grocery Bingo Western Edition yesterday..and it was great. I didn't win anything but it wasn't just bingo, we also listened to country music and did some line dancing!! Wahoo! 
After that we stayed up at have a great time getting to know each other better..and let me tell you, I love them already..

Today was a bit different, we went over to Chatham to visit my friend John (who is leaving on Friday). He gave us a TV to use and tons of groceries! So I am so grateful to you, thank you so much John!!

After that..Amanda, Heather, and I went to the Poly Resort to eat a Dole Whip & watch Fireworks. So my bucket list is looking pretty darn good! DOLE WHIPS ARE AMAZING BTW.

Traditions tomorrow. :) Wahoo. More updates coming soon! 
Today has been buckets and buckets of fun! I can not even describe.. It feels like I have been here for a week and it's only been a day... probably because I am running off of two hours of sleep and been doing things all day.. everything is going SWIMMINGLY!! <3

Where:Magic Kingdom, Tommorwland Terrace QSR 

I am so happy! 

p.s my roommate Amanda and I are creepily similar with everything.. from food to shower supplies.. yeah.
I officially registered for my class at Disney! I decided to take Creativity & Innovation since it works well with a Graphic Design Major.:) 
I am excited to have an opportunity to take a Disney class and hoping that with this class I will be able to sort out my crazy ideas better! Classes start in June and end in August, with a total of 44 meeting hours. My classes are going to be on Thursday in one of the Patterson Court classrooms! 
Sometimes this whole experience seems so surreal.. I am not sure when reality is going to set in.. Dreams do come true!

P.S My roomie Mattie is taking this class with me! :)
Wahoo, I am so excited to officially say I have found 5 lovely girls to room with during my DCP Adventure. :)
All of them seem really down to earth & I can not wait to meet them in person!

Housemates aka the Mousketeers:
-Amanda (my personal roommate)
-Ashley (The first person I am going to officially meet) 
-Manhattan aka Mattie 
& last but not least Heather!

So on May 26th Ashley and I are going to meet up after she gets off her plane and head over to the hotel with Amanda! We are all going to share a room and hope for some sleep! (Yeah, right.) 

I am so happy to announce that Disney has changed their dorming system and I will no longer have to wait out front in the early morn', you know this girl loves her sleep. Instead, we will get to make sure we are all gunna room together before hand when we get out roomie numbers thanks to Disney's DORM system! :)

That is the newest news I have for ya'll! 

37 more days till check in!!~

I still can't believe that in 6 weeks I will be going to Florida to work for one of the most respected companies to have ever existed. I am just so excited, but at the same time it all feels so surreal. .I think it will start settling in when I actually get on that plane to leave for 7 months! 

Hey Family & Friends-

I am making this little blog page just for ya'll so you can stay updated while I am in Florida. :) I will post at least once a week telling you guys how I am doing and what is going on with the Disney College Program. Don't worry, I will post pictures on here as well on my facebook. I figured it'd be easier to journal my adventure on a blog so everyone is in the know about my life in Florida.

Love Always,
